Employment Practices Liability Insurance

EPLI Coverage

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) is specialized coverage that protects businesses against claims made by employees.  These claims can range from discrimination to wrongful termination. 


The landscape of employment laws is continually evolving, making it more challenging for businesses to comply with all regulations.  This complexity increases the likelihood of unintentional violations, which could result in costly lawsuits. 


EPLI provides financial support for legal fees, settlements, and judgments, making it a crucial component of a comprehensive risk management strategy for businesses with employees. 

Employment practices liability insurance (EPLI)

Insurance Solutions for Your Unique Risk

Employment practices liability insurance (EPLI)

Coverage Options

Key Coverages of EPLI 

Wrongful termination occurs when an employee alleges that their firing violated their contract or employment rights.  EPLI can cover the legal costs associated with such claims.


Discrimination claims can arise when an employee believes they were treated unfairly based on race, gender, age, disability, or other protected characteristics.  EPLI helps businesses handle these claims, which can be complex and sensitive.


Sexual harassment claims are unfortunately prevalent in many workplaces.  EPLI provides coverage for claims related to unwelcome advances, inappropriate comments, and other forms of harassment.


EPLI also covers retaliation claims, which occur when an employee alleges punitive actions were taken against them for engaging in legally protected activities (e.g., whistleblowing).  This could include reporting harassment or discrimination  


Claims related to breach of employment contract, infliction of emotional distress, and other employment-related issues