Professional Service Providers

Professional Services

A professional service refers to a type of service that requires specialized knowledge or skills, typically provided by professionals in a specific field. These services are often based on the providers’ professional expertise and are meant to offer advice or solutions tailored to the needs of clients.


Professional services cover a broad spectrum of industries including, law, accounting, architecture, engineering, healthcare, consulting, and marketing.  The value of these services lies in the quality of expertise, the process of service delivery, and the impact or effectiveness of the results achieved.

Professional Service Providers

Insurance Solutions for Your Unique Risk

Coverage Options

Tailored For Your Professional Service

Professional Service Providers often have unique insurance needs due to the nature of their work and the risks associated with their professions.  At BR Risk Group™ Specialty Insurance, we offer the following tailored coverage solutions for Professional Services of all kinds:   

Professional Liability

Professional Liability

 Coverage for negligent professional services provided to a client.

Cyber liabililty

Cyber Liability

   Coverage for liability expenses associated    with a data breach to your system.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)

Employment Practices Liability (EPLI)

 Coverage for employers against claims made by employees regarding employment-related issues.

Directors & Officers (D&O)

Directors & Officers (D&O) Liability

 Coverage designed to protect individuals serving as directors and officers of a company

Fiduciary Liability

Fiduciary Liability

 Coverage against lawsuits from customers, clients, and other third parties.

Crime Insurance

Crime Insurance

 Coverage for financial losses to businesses resulting from criminal acts.